Plan Manager – Reports

Better understand the people you serve and the services you provide

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A variety of reports increase your agency’s understanding

Plan manager includes a variety of reporting and search tools that help you better understand the people you serve, the services and service planning that your provide as well as workflow and system access.

  • An ad hoc report builder lets non-IT people build reports about persons served as well as reporting on information captured by service plans or assessments (medical diagnoses, DD diagnoses, path to employment, etc.).
  • ISP data can be paired with demographic data to get a better picture of the needs of the population you serve (e.g. “path to employment” information can be reported by zip code to see where people are looking for work).
  • In addition to reports about persons served, comprehensive reporting is available about staff are actually doing though the workflow reporting screens. See how many plans are pending distribution at any time, how many ISPs were finalized by a particular support administrator, or how many plans were mailed in the last month.
  • Plan manager also tracks and reports on all system access, including family and provider access and support administrator activity.

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Screenshot of saved reports screen

To learn more, request a demo of Plan Manager’s reporting features